第54期Horizon期刊Horizon Brand Publication Vol. 54上線
全新2021第54期Horizon期刊出爐!本次內容介紹了許多艘近期完工的新船,也有全新Horizon FD92、體現高度客製化的FD90,以及首艘擁有包覆式船橋設計的V68的詳細介紹。
另外,在Horizon 生活篇章裡則有來自PC60船主的用船經驗與故事,以及2020年Horizon在澳洲舉辦的區域性船主聚會活動回顧。想知道更多,盡在Horizon第54期期刊→ http://bit.ly/38P0d3d
Now available online, the Horizon Yachts Brand Publication Vol. 54 showcases the latest new builds to launch from the Horizon shipyards. With no fewer than eight yachts delivered in recent months, demand remains strong for the variety of yacht models and opportunities for customization that Horizon offers.
In this issue, we dive into the newest tri-deck FD92, Christine, the highly customized FD90 Waddle We Do, and the Jonathan Quinn Barnett-designed V68 Vindicator. The owners of the PC60 Homarus, share the story that led them to build their latest Horizon Power Catamaran, and Horizon Yachts Australia recounts the fun from their exclusive Horizon Owner Rendezvous in the Whitsunday Islands. Enjoy the inspirational imagery and stories in the latest issue, now viewable online: http://bit.ly/38P0d3d